Sunday, January 25, 2015
Large Natural Violet Blue Pear Sapphire In Sterling Silver Cocktail Ring, 9.55ct. Size 7.5
#664Extra large pear shaped natural blue sapphire was set in sterling silver to create a beautiful one-of-a-kind cocktail ring. The stone has unique color, it 's translucent violet-blue. The stone is pretty large (weight 9.55ct, clarity I1-I2, size 17.3 X 13.8 X 7mm, treatment lead glass filled). It is natural MINED sapphire, origin Mozambique.Imagine night sky with dark blue and violet hues with yet visible clouds. That's what this gemstone looks like. Cloudiness and inclusions are unique characteristics of the stone rather than flows. Unique piece of fine jewelry.Ring is available in Size 7.5More sapphire jewelry©2014 GemsBerry by Natalie Kimura
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