Thursday, March 19, 2015

Shop Sale.. PLATINUM Umba SAPPHIRE Rondelles Beads, Luxe AAA, Set of 5, 4-4.5 mm, Untreated Gray Grey Silver Blue, september true tr grsaph

** see storefront re: sale

Set of 5
4-4.5 mm

Want more SAPPHIRE RONDELLES in all colors of sapphire?? See them here:

Looove sapphire or sapphire color pretties? See ALL goodies ..

or ...

For ALL DIAMOND rondelles, see:

NEVER to be repeated.. as this is a once in a lifetime buy..

The FINEST untreated.. meaning UNHEATED and undyed.. which is soooooo hard to find in the beaded gems market.. JUUUMBO babies..

Beauties like these are often reserved for the high end jewelry market .. if you can find them..
Gigantic size for untreated gemmies..
You can sometimes find some of these in strands of umba sapphires.. but never a full strand and in these huge sizes!!

The color mirrors those of a light blue blush gray DIAMOND (the pics are not capturing the blue tinge very well)..  and this is the closest you will find to jumbo diamond rondelles

An investment.. but my uber luxe girls know what they like for their high end designs.. each strand ran me well into the three figures cha ching cha ching!!

See last two pics for the mini diamond rondelles I have in pale yellow, white, blue, and black!!                    

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